Combined Chinese
Western signs
11. The personalities of the combined Aquarius signs
The fact of belonging to the Aquarius sign - an Air and Fixed sign - endows you at the same time with lively intelligence, great open-mindedness, and strong inclination to action.
If you happen to be also of the Tiger, Dragon or Horse sign, you're an individual who is totally open to the exterior world and in touch with all the currents that are shaking society. Conservatism bores you, and revolutions of all kinds impassion you. The Aquarius/Tiger spares no effort in promoting progress in a domain or another. The Aquarius/Dragon looks for his glory in discovery and innovation. As for the Aquarius/Horse, he stands for all avant-garde undertakings, especially the most foolish and utopian ones.
As an Aquarius born under the sign of the Rat, the Snake or the Monkey, you put your lively intelligence at the service of knowledge, understanding, and propagation of ideas. The Aquarius/Rat can be an excellent teacher or researcher full of resources and ideas of genius. With his penchant for deep reflection, the Aquarius/Snake can prove to be a first-rate theoretician. The Aquarius/Monkey is interested in whatever is unusual and tries to pull others out of beaten tracks.
Combined with the Ox, Rabbit or Dog sign, the Aquarius sign is more marked with a predilection for the established order and safe values. It's change in continuation that motivates him. The Aquarius/Ox likes to do the same things over but in another way; he does not venture too far from the familiar terrain. The Aquarius/Rabbit is a specialist of storms in a teacup. The Aquarius/Dog calls for changes in others but remains attached to his own ideas and convictions.
Being an Aquarius all the while being a Rooster, Goat or Pig is being someone who likes progress in all fields and who's keen on profiting by it as much as possible. The Aquarius/Rooster rejects nothing beforehand and wants to give everyone his chance. The Aquarius/Goat is more attached to the future than to the present and readily makes a clean sweep of the past. Finally, the Aquarius/Pig has the passion of memory; his spontaneity and freshness reside in his fertile imagination and eternal candor.