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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Combined Chinese and Western signs

Combined Chinese


Western signs

10. — The personalities of the combined Capricorn signs

  • The fact of belonging to the Capricorn sign - an Earth and Cardinal sign - endows you at the same time with remarkable patience, great capacities of construction, and definite inclination to passion.

  • If you happen to be also of the Tiger, Dragon or Horse sign, you're an individual who has his feet on earth but who at the same time knows what he wants and always tries to force his chance. The Capricorn/Tiger lives with principles and therefore has less good adaptation faculties than others. The Capricorn/Dragon is very sensitive to failure and can sink into depression if he does not succeed in what he undertakes. As for the Capricorn/Horse, he knows how to moderate his ambitions according to his means and to keep confidence in his good star.

  • As a Capricorn born under the sign of the Rat, the Snake or the Monkey, you have a taste for moral force and do not allow yourself to be weak or even vulnerable. The Capricorn/Rat is lucid, can impose a life discipline on himself, but often feels frustrated. In spite of his rich affectivity, the Capricorn/Snake has difficulty getting rid of certain rigor and certain stiffness. The Capricorn/Monkey finds his happiness in getting interested in advanced technology, in all that can induce a transformation of the world.

  • Combined with the Ox, Rabbit or Dog sign, the Capricorn sign is doubly out of touch with the present moment. He must take time to become conscious of himself, to react and evolve. The Capricorn/Ox takes his time to live and act; he does not let himself be jostled. The Capricorn/Rabbit is endowed with remarkable power for work. The Capricorn/Dog is not gifted for quick decisions; he can succeed only in long-term undertakings.

  • Being a Capricorn all the while being a Rooster, Goat or Pig is knowing how to join cleverly the permanent and the transitory, the heavy and the light, the indispensable and the superfluous. The Capricorn/Rooster has a double face: he's an individual with perverse tendencies but also with creative impulses of great value. The Capricorn/Goat, all serious as he is, is not incapable of taking lightly certain facets of life. Finally, the Capricorn/Pig really believes that terrestrial paradise is where he finds himself.


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