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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Combined Chinese and Western signs

Combined Chinese


Western signs

1. — The personalities of the combined Aries signs

  • The fact of belonging to the Aries sign - a Fire and Cardinal sign - endows you at the same time with powerful dynamism, limitless enthusiasm, and definite inclination to passion.

  • If you happen to be also of the Tiger, Dragon or Horse sign, you're an individual who is particularly active and who decidedly goes ahead. You always need to act, but you need even more to believe in your action. The loss of motivation is for you the greatest catastrophe of all. The Aries/Tiger gets discouraged quickly for he will not have thought of arranging a retreat position. The Aries/Dragon will probably replace faith with tenacity. As for the Aries/Horse, he knows how to temporize, to adapt himself to circumstances and profit by more favorable occasions.

  • As an Aries born under the sign of the Rat, the Snake or the Monkey, you enjoy very lively intelligence, which helps you understand things rapidly and perceive other people's intentions in a flash. The Aries/Rat possesses remarkable intellectual flexibility, the sense of play and opportunism. With his ideas often of genius, the Aries/Snake tends to live ahead of time. The Aries/Monkey is interested in everything and puts his inventive intelligence at the service of the community.

  • Combined with the Ox, Rabbit or Dog sign, the Aries sign is more marked with patience and stability. With his sense of continuity in effort, of permanence, he constructs without haste. The Aries/Ox is keen on concrete achievements and shows unshakable willpower. The Aries/Rabbit is a specialist of works that are long and require minuteness. The Aries/Dog always has an objective, an ideal, which he tries patiently to reach, without ever getting disheartened.

  • Being an Aries all the while being a Rooster, Goat or Pig is being someone who is mainly moved by passive psychism, the unconscious, the dream. The Aries/Rooster possesses powerful impulses which push him toward good as well as evil. The Aries/Goat is very sensitive to the irrational, the paranormal; he feels things more than he sees them. Finally, the Aries/Pig has an intense imaginary life; he's always searching for a world which would resemble paradise lost.


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