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M.C. SOLAAR Earth Rooster
MAC CARTNEY Paul Water Horse
MAC ENROE John Earth Pig
MAC GELLIS Kelly Fire Rooster
MACARTHUR Douglas Earth Cat
MACGRAW Ali Earth Cat
MACIAS Enrico Earth Tiger
MACLAINE Shirley Wood Dog
MADELIN Alain Fire Dog
MALAVOY Christophe Water Dragon
MALLE Louis Water Monkey
MANSFIELD Jayne Water Rooster
MANSON Jeane Metal Tiger
MAO TSE-TUNG Water Snake
MARAIS Jean Water Buffalo
MARAT Jean Paul Wood Rat
MARCEAU Sophie Fire Horse
MARCEAU Marcel Water Pig
MARCHAIS Georges Metal Monkey
MARCHAND Guy Fire Buffalo
MARIANO Luis Wood Tiger
MARKA Water Tiger
MARLEY Bob Wood Rooster
MARSHALL George Metal Dragon
MARTIN Dean Fire Snake
MARTIN Jacques Water Rooster
MARVIN Lee Wood Rat
MARX Karl Earth Tiger
MASTROIANNI Marcello Wood Rat
MASURE Bruno Fire Pig
MATHIEU Mireille Fire Dog
MATHIS Johny Wood Pig
MAUGHAM W. Somerset Water Rooster
MAUPASSANT Guy de Metal Dog
MCQUEEN Steve Metal Horse
MEGRET Bruno Earth Buffalo
MELIES Georges Metal Rooster
MENEZ Bernard Wood Monkey
MERCADIER Marthe Earth Dragon
MERCURY Freddie Fire Dog
METAYER Alex Metal Horse
MICHAEL George Water Cat
MIDLER Bette Wood Rooster
MIFUNE Toshiro Metal Monkey
MILLER Arthur Wood Cat
MINNELLI Liza Fire Dog
MINNELLI Vincente Water Buffalo
MINOGUE Kylie Earth Monkey
MITCHEL Eddy Water Horse
MITCHUM Robert Fire Snake
MITTERAND François Fire Dragon
MOCKY Jean Pierre Earth Snake
MOEBIUS Earth Tiger
MONDY Pierre Wood Buffalo
MONET Claude Metal Rat
MONROE Marilyn Fire Tiger
MONTAND Yves Metal Rooster
MONTGOMERY Elizabeth Water Rooster
MONTHERLANT Henri de Fire Monkey
MOOR Lova Wood Goat
MOORE Roger Fire Cat
MOORE Demi Water Tiger
MORAVIA Alberto Fire Goat
MOREAU Jeanne Earth Dragon
MORGAN Michčle Metal Monkey
MORIN Christian Wood Rooster
MOUGEOTTE Etienne Metal Dragon
MOUROUSI Yves Water Horse
MOZART Wolfgang Amadeus Wood Pig
MURPHY Eddy Metal Buffalo
MUSSET Alfred de Metal Horse
MUSSOLINI Benito Water Goat
MUTI Ornella Wood Goat
MYRIAMS Marie Fire Rooster

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