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DAHO Étienne Wood Goat
DALI Salvadore Wood Dragon
DALIDA Water Monkey
DANI Wood Monkey
DANTON Georges Jacques Earth Cat
DARAN J.-J. Earth Pig
DARC Mireille Wood Pig
DARD Frédéric Metal Rooster
DAREL Sophie Wood Monkey
DARRIEUX Danielle Fire Snake
DARWIN Charles Earth Dragon
DASSIN Joe Earth Tiger
DAUDET Alphonse Metal Rat
DAVIS Bette Earth Monkey
DAVIS Junior Sammy Wood Buffalo
DAY Doris Wood Rat
DAYAN Moshe Wood Cat
DE CAUNES Georges Earth Goat
DE CAUNES Antoine Water Snake
DE FUNES Louis Wood Tiger
DE GAULLE Charles Metal Tiger
DE MONACO Caroline Fire Monkey
DE MONACO Stéphanie Wood Dragon
DE PALMA Brian Metal Dragon
DE SAINT EXUPÉRY Antoine Metal Rat
DEAN James Metal Horse
DEBUSSY Claude Water Dog
DECHAVANNE Christophe Fire Rooster
DEE Sandra Water Horse
DELACROIX Ferdinand Earth Goat
DELACROIX Eugene Earth Horse
DELANOE Pierre Earth Horse
DELAROCHE Christine Wood Monkey
DELARUE Jean-Luc Wood Dragon
DELON Anthony Wood Dragon
DELON Alain Wood Pig
DELORME Danielle Fire Tiger
DELORS Jacques Wood Buffalo
DELPECH Michel Wood Rooster
DENEUVE Catherine Water Goat
DENISOT Michel Wood Rooster
DEPARDIEU Gérard Earth Rat
DEPARDIEU Elisabeth Metal Snake
DEPP Johny Water Cat
DEREK Bo Wood Goat
DESAILLY Jean Metal Monkey
DESCARTES René Fire Monkey
DESGRAUPES Pierre Earth Horse
DESMARETS Sophie Water Dog
DEVOS Raymond Water Dog
DHELIAT Evelyne Earth Rat
DICKENS Charles Metal Goat
DICKINSON Angie Metal Goat
DIDEROT Denis Water Snake
DION Céline Earth Monkey
DIOR Christian Wood Dragon
DISNEY Walt Metal Buffalo
DISTEL Sacha Water Monkey
DOMBASLLE Arielle Wood Goat
DOMINGO Placido Metal Dragon
DOMINGUEZ Cendrine Water Tiger
DONOVAN Jason Earth Monkey
DOROTHEE Water Snake
DOSTOĎEVSKY Feodor Metal Snake
DOUGLAS Kirk Fire Dragon
DOUGLAS Michael Wood Monkey
DRUCKER Michel Water Horse
DRUON Maurice Earth Horse
DUBCEK Alexander Metal Rooster
DUBOST Paulette Metal Pig
DUCROCQ Albert Metal Rooster
DUFFY Patrick Earth Buffalo
DUFRESNE Diane Wood Monkey
DUMAS Alexandre (Pčre) Water Dog
DUMAS Alexandre (Fils) Wood Monkey
DUNAWAY Faye Metal Dragon
DUNCAN Isadora Earth Tiger
DUPEYREY Annie Fire Pig
DURAS Marguerite Wood Tiger
DUSSOLIER André Fire Dog
DUTEIL Yves Earth Rooster
DUTRONC Jacques Water Goat
DYLAN Bob Metal Snake

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