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Biorhythms for Individuals and Couples

Biorhythms for

Individuals and Couples

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Interpreting the graphs

  • When a curve is  above the fixed line, it's said to be positive — things go well for you. The farther the curve is from the line, the better you fare.

  • When a curve is  under the fixed line, it's said to be negative — things don't go quite well for you. The farther the curve is from the line, the worse you fare.

  • When a curve  crosses the fixed line, it's said to be critical. You must be careful since your physical, emotional, or intellectual condition is changing from the negative to the positive or vice versa and is therefore unpredictable, unreliable.

  • When  two curves cross each other, whether above or under the fixed line, there's a conflict between them, and the situation must be considered as unfavorable to you.

    Biorhythms for Individuals and Couples
  • The Physical Cycle.

      When the curve of this cycle is above the fixed line (positive), you're in a favorable period as far as your physical condition is concerned. Profit by it to do exercise, to carry out your most ambitious projects, to do what needs strength, endurance, etc. On the contrary, when the curve of this cycle is under the fixed line (negative), you're in an unfavorable period. You should then satisfy yourself with routine work, take sufficient rest and relaxation, get enough sleep, avoid conflictual situations, and not try to surpass yourself, etc. Don't undergo surgery during this period. Watch out for infectious diseases. Beware of accidents, especially when you drive a car or use dangerous tools.

  • The Emotional Cycle.

      When the curve of this cycle is above the fixed line (positive), you're in a favorable period as far as your emotional condition is concerned. Profit by it to enjoy love, to make friends, to mend severed relationships, to tackle a new hobby, to have a passion for something, etc. On the contrary, when the curve of this cycle is under the fixed line (negative), you're in an unfavorable period. You should then refrain from making far-reaching decisions, be careful in your personal relations with others, beware of ill feelings, negative thoughts, and be on your guard against discouragement and defeatism, etc. Take things easy.

  • The Intellectual Cycle.

      When the curve of this cycle is above the fixed line (positive), you're in a favorable period as far as your intellectual condition is concerned. Profit by it to carry out tasks that require plenty of mental ability, alertness, perspicacity, mental concentration, reasoning power, to learn what's unknown to you, to acquaint yourself with what seems mysterious to you, etc. On the contrary, when the curve of this cycle is under the fixed line (negative), you're in an unfavorable period. You should then stick to your good old habits, abstain from making important judgments or trying to understand everything, etc.


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