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Biorhythms for Individuals and Couples

Biorhythms for

Individuals and Couples

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Graphic representation of the cycles

  • Each of the three above-mentioned cycles is commonly represented graphically by a curve. This curve spreads itself along a straight, fixed line which itself represents the passing of time. Thus at any specific point of the fixed line (which represents a specific moment of a specific day), we can see the corresponding state of the curve — this curve can be above or under the fixed line or be crossing it, it can also be more or less near this line.

    The itinerary of the graphs

  • It's assumed that at the moment of our birth all our three curves start at a point of the fixed line. From there, as time goes on, each curve will go up above the fixed line to reach a peak, then will go down to cross the fixed line. It will then continue to go down to reach a bottom before going up to cross the fixed line again and begin a new cycle.

  • Since the  Physical Cycle has 23 days, it will take its curve 5.75 days to go from the fixed line to a peak or inversely, and also 5.75 days to go from the fixed line to a bottom or inversely.

  • Since the  Emotional Cycle has 28 days, it will take it 7 days to cover each of the above-mentioned stages.

  • And since the  Intellectual Cycle has 33 days, it will take it 8.25 days to cover each of the above-mentioned stages.
  • Biorhythms for Individuals and Couples

  • Thus each curve will go its own way, and the three will meet again only every 21,252 days after our birthday.


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