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Biorhythms for Individuals and Couples

Biorhythms for

Individuals and Couples

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What is a biorhythm ?

  • It has been generally known since time immemorial that nothing in the Universe is quite static and that everything evolves and evolves in cycles. The Chinese theory of Yin and Yang is the most famous and the most coherent representative of this worldwide, timeless knowledge. All things perpetually begin, only to rush ineluctably toward the end; and once the end is reached, all things begin again. For instance, time evolves in such cycles as days, months, years ("annual" came from the Latin "anulus" = "ring"). The moon has its cycles known as "lunar revolutions" or "lunations". And the cycles that govern living creatures are called "biorhythms."

  • Biorhythm  literally means "rhythm of life". We humans evolve according to numerous biorhythms which, as already said, are not straight lines but cycles.

  • Among all our cycles, or biorhythms, three are particularly interesting to know and important to take into account since they largely condition the quality of our lives.

    The three main cycles

  • The Physical Cycle.

    This cycle lasts 23 days. It concerns the evolutions of our body. Are we in good or bad health? Are we resistant or vulnerable to diseases? Are we able to make strenuous efforts or rather tired? We can find answers to all such questions by examining this cycle at specific dates.
  • The Emotional Cycle.

    This cycle lasts 28 days. It concerns the evolutions of our heart. Are we optimistic or pessimistic? Are we enthusiastic or rather disheartened? Are we in a mood for love or for hatred? Are we passionate or apathetic? Are we tolerant or uncompromising? We can find answers to all such questions by examining this cycle at specific dates.

  • The Intellectual Cycle.

    This cycle lasts 33 days. It concerns the evolutions of our mind. Are we sharp-minded or absent-minded? Are we reasonable or unreasonable? Are we eager for or indifferent to knowledge and new experiences? We can find answers to all such questions by examining this cycle at specific dates.
  • Biorhythms for Individuals and Couples


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