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The paranormal past of Master Rao - Part 3

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  • From 1951 to 1954, the French progressively lost ground to the Communists whose control over the population became increasingly ruthless. Acting on my astrology-inspired advice, my father sold all his lands and also the brick house during 1954, although he was very reluctant to do it. And so, luckily, he was later classified as a "poor peasant" — not as a "wicked landlord owing a debt of blood to the people" or even as a "rich farmer." Some three hundred thousand "wicked landlords" were massacred and nearly two million "rich farmers" were deported during the Communists' tragic Agrarian Reform in 1954-1955.

  • In the late 1954, after the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu, an iron curtain fell rapidly on our villages. One night, three heavily-armed Communist commissars came to visit my family and threatened to shoot us all if we tried to flee. My father, very much frightened, resigned himself to the idea of remaining in the communist-controlled zone. But my opinion, dictated by Chinese astrology, was that we had a very good chance to escape. Next morning, the twelve members of my family were split up into three groups, each group having to take a different road to Hanoi, which was still temporarily under French control. After countless horrific adventures, we were all finally reunited in Hanoi where we could take a French military plane to go the non-communist Southern part of Vietnam. The country had been divided into two parts, North and south, by the 1954 Geneva Agreements between the Vietnamese Communists and the French. The capital of the South was Saigon.

  • From 1955 to 1957, I pursued my academic education and at the same time learned to improve my divinatory capability. Then from 1958 to 1961, I taught Vietnamese literature in a secondary school. As the Saigon government at that time had strong Catholic, fundamentalist and puritan tendencies, the practice of divinatory sciences was forbidden on grounds they were "superstitions". Consequently, I could exercise my premonitory competence only discreetly and on a non-lucrative basis.


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