Western Horoscope
for the Year 2024
The influence of your ascendant
Ascendant in Aries - For you, who want so much to charm, this year will present itself under bright colors thanks to the action of Venus, the famous planet of love. You'll do your best to charm and your efforts will be richly rewarded.
Ascendant in Taurus - This year must be decisive as far as your activities are concerned. Indeed, you'll carry out a change of job or a retraining project. Whatever you'll decide, everything can only go at best. The stars will watch over you with solicitude.
Ascendant in Gemini - Important transformations should take place in your family environment. Although you fear the unknown, you won't be displeased at all to have to modify your habits this year. For certain natives, a beneficial change of residence might take place.
Ascendant in Cancer - Profiting by good solar influxes, you'll be in good shape in the professional field. You'll know what you want and you'll surely get it. Don't worry about the delays.
Ascendant in Leo - Harmony will reign in your family life. You'll carefully control your redoubtable critical mind and you'll show yourself very tolerant toward your nearest and dearest. Your children will give you great satisfactions.
Ascendant in Virgo - You'll benefit from the favorable influxes of the Moon. Your affective relations will evolve in the good direction. If you're still alone, you'll this year meet someone who'll please you very much.
Ascendant in Libra - The year will be favorable to financial operations. You'll succeed in business, sign fruitful contracts. But you won't do all this without toil because you're going to meet with oppositions which Neptune will cause you.
Ascendant in Scorpio - Concerning your work, you should demonstrate that you're often the best one if you like to be. There'll be traps which you'll have to beware of; but you'll benefit from formidable intuition which will serve you. You'll have many occasions to show what you're capable of.
Ascendant in Sagittarius - Important encounters will loom on the horizon. Some of these will have a decisive influence on your life. The others will give you much pleasure or fruitful intellectual exchanges.
Ascendant in Capricorn - Here you are full of enthusiasm and dynamism under the egis of Mars in excellent aspects. You'll have innumerable ideas of genius which will help you to brighten your conjugal life and will allow you to hatch out various projects.
Ascendant in Aquarius - You'll have numerous inventive ideas in love. You'll think that you're reinventing the art of loving and your partners will be delighted to profit by your exciting experiences.
Ascendant in Pisces - Very constructive relations with your family entourage. You'll do great services to your relatives and they will be grateful to you for them. And they'll help you in case of need.