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The twelve Animal Signs for Women

The twelve Animal Signs

for Women

Goat woman

Her productive capacities

  • Although she is basically more interested in inactivity and daydreaming than working, the Goat female can be enthusiastic with a job if it pleases her or if it appeals to her sentiments. But even in this case she will display more good will than efficiency. She needs constant supervision and prodding in order to show what she is capable of; it is why she does best in fields where she has to associate with others. Once subjected to a strict discipline, she can carry out adequately any kind of occupation, including the most exacting or routine ones.

  • Her sympathetic heart and her own self-defense systems most naturally predispose her to such works as concern the care of others. Thus she can be a much prized physician, obstetrician, psychiatrist, pediatrician, or nurse. She can perform these tasks in a particularly touching way since she seems to identify herself totally with her patients whereas in reality she may be absorbed in quite something else without anyone's knowing it. This ability to be two persons and live two lives at once is an exclusively "Goatish" privilege.

  • As she is generally good at academic studies, the native could successfully do research in social fields or in any other discipline related to humanitarian efforts.

  • Probably nobody would love animals more than she does. Her relationships with them bear a strange, almost mystical, mark, as though she could dialogue with them in a secret language. Being a veterinarian or animal breeder would procure her profound satisfactions.

  • As indicated earlier, this woman possesses unmistakable occult powers. One can therefore find her among the best renowned mediums. Her competence is equally surprising as a card-using fortuneteller, telepathist, clairvoyante, etc. To non-believers in spiritualism, it may be explained that she owes her extra-lucidity to her exceptional intuition.

  • This intuition also allows her to sense the "collective soul," thereby making her a good journalist, saleswoman, publicist, and in general one whose profession requires a thorough knowledge of the psychology of the masses.

  • Owing to her taste and sensitiveness, she can do well or even excel in all artistic fields. This is a wonderful sign for a dancer - dancing is to the Goat woman as natural as walking. As a writer she enjoys the extraordinary ability to express herself with subtlety and imagination. Having no difficulty in identifying herself with the characters she represents, the Goat female often proves a first-rate stage or movie actress.

  • Lastly, nothing seems to preclude her success as a secretary, teacher, clergywoman, public speaker, or playwright - provided she be strictly disciplined.


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