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The twelve Animal Signs for Women

The twelve Animal Signs

for Women

Goat woman

Her physical background

  • Natives of the Goat sign doubtlessly rank among the most attractive and feminine women in the world. They may be more or less beautiful, but the beauty of many of them is unparalleled. All of them are superlatively enticing, a joy to behold. Even the humblest ones are graced with some distinction and elegance.

  • There is always something misty, dreamy about the typical Goat female. Her gestures are hesitant, uncompleted, as if she were afraid a decisive movement would brutally dissipate her halo and crudely project her into the world of reality. She also likes to leave her sentences - and almost everything she does - unfinished, thereby providing plenty of room for guessing and imagination. Much of her particular brand of charm unquestionably resides in her indecision and imprecision.

  • This woman's face represents a perfect oval of the purest design. One can often recognize her by her high, rosy cheekbones and well-delineated nose. Her mouth is usually very small, somewhat lost among the other parts of her face. Her eyes are one of the two or three physical elements that mainly account for her power of fascination: Almond-shaped, they could, by their unfathomable depth and strange languor, hold people breathless. Her voice, soft-toned and a little hoarse, exerts an undefinable enchantment; it would be impossible to remain insensitive to it, for there is a kind of bewitching music in even the most banal words the native utters.

  • In general the Goat woman is of medium height or even somewhat short, with a thin skeletal structure and without any apparent muscles. Her body and limbs are rather frail, which however does not impede her from being an exquisitely dimpled creature. She usually remains slender and curvaceous well beyond her middle years, unless she has been particularly careless about her diet in her youth,. She moves with much grace, undulating like a serpent, and is therefore naturally gifted for dancing. In no way does she have an athletic bearing or appearance.

  • Concerning her health, the Goat woman must first of all take her extreme suggestibility into account. Any imprudence or carelessness on this score may have far-reaching adverse effects on her physical as well as mental well-being. She is indeed exceedingly sensitive to atmospheres and other people's influences, plugging herself on all possible wavelengths and reacting vicariously to all kinds of situations. She must, for instance, avoid places where for some obscure reason she does not feel at ease and refrain from reading horror stories or seeing intensely conflictual movies. Having remarkable mediumnistic faculties, she naturally feels drawn to occult experiences; but she would be wise to resist her penchant as spiritualistic practices do have the power to exhaust, depress, or distress her beyond endurance. Her delicate psychological equilibrium may be brutally thrown out of kilter by someone's ill will, bad jokes, or disquieting behavior; she must therefore carefully choose those whom she wants to frequent. The positive steps she can take to cope with her influenceability range from having a lot of sleep to leading a quiet life, from adopting optimistic views to frequently taking a grip on herself; the practice of relaxation and yoga is certainly beneficial in this respect.

  • Another grave danger threatening the Goat female's health is her excessively easy habituation to drugs and alcohol. It is in her interest never to try out dopes and never to indulge, without strict medical control, in medicines, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, or stimulants, all the more as she rarely has enough will power to stop when necessary.

  • To any observer this woman appears unmistakably to belong to the lymphatic category. She abhors exertion under all forms, whether physical or mental, and loves to spend much of her time in a lying position. She would encounter no difficulty making her choice between practicing a sport and staying home to read a book or listen to music. It is hard to say if she is basically of a contemplative or lazy disposition.

  • Physically, she is not particularly strong; but her health is basically good, and her power of endurance can sometimes surprise. The level of her resistance to disease is relatively low. She is especially susceptible to ailments caused by poor elimination. She may suffer from air in the stomach and also from oedemas, swellings, and lymphangitides because of her tendency to retain water in her tissues.

  • She is more liable than most other women to a vague feeling of general discomfort, to pallor, languidness, and romantic fatigue. But all these symptoms are only transitory and seldom act as warning signs of something serious.

  • This woman must constantly struggle against her propensity for laziness and inaction, for a prolonged lack of physical exercise can do her great harm by, among other things, favoring faulty elimination. She must regularly practice some kind of moderate sport - lawn tennis, golf, swimming, hiking, fencing, etc. - at the exclusion of more exacting ones. Homeopathy seems to suit her better than allopathy because it is "milder;" besides, only a homeopath would be in a position to decipher the actual meaning of the hazy symptoms she complains about.

  • Her diet must be as wholesome as possible. She can eat a wide range of foods, but always with moderation. Seven-day-old yogurt and brewers' yeast, taken every day, will greatly help her intestinal activity. On the contrary, she would never be wary enough of icecreams, chocolates, cakes, sweets, and the like, which she is particularly fond of.


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