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The twelve Animal Signs for Women

The twelve Animal Signs

for Women

Snake woman

Her physical background

  • In discussing the Snake woman's physique, one could not help mentioning her tremendous charm and beauty. One would only have to name a few Snake women at random to convince oneself of this truism - Jacqueline Kennedy, Grace Kelly, Queen Farah, and many others. In Japan, the best way to compliment any female is to tell her that she is endowed with a snake's beauty (mi-bijin).

  • This is not a kind of provocative, fiery beauty like that of the Dragon counterpart, but the one which is touching, enticing, bewitching, entrancing, and to which the wisest men may easily fall willing victims. Even the least favored natives of the sign - those whose beauty does not necessarily take people aback - can pride themselves on their irresistible seductiveness.

  • It is always a pleasure to see the Snake woman move about. Even her simplest gestures strike by their inimitable gracefulness, elegance, refinement, and harmony. There is eternally an exquisitely romantic and dreamy air about her. This is a daintily dimpled creature whose manner is serene and soothing. She remains young a very long time, her muscles refusing to become flabby and pendent, and looks best around her menopause.

  • Conscious of her power of seduction, she does not seek to be glamorous and generally adopts a somewhat modest comportment. Although keen on using her charm as her sole weapon in her battle for life, she displays tactfulness in her dealings with other people. Narcissistic in the extreme, spending a considerable amount of her time at her dressing table, she instinctively knows how to appear under the most favorable light - for to look beautiful and be loved is to her of vital importance.

  • Her body is supple, undulating - the body of a snake! - and represents a perfect symphony of rhythm and melody. No wonder why she is naturally gifted for dancing. However slender she may be, the native never looks skinny. Wasp-waisted, she has soft curves, a fair complexion, and a satiny skin. Her shoulders are well-rounded and most fit for décolletages of every description. Her breasts are rather small, but firm and high-fixed.

  • Her face represents a flawless oval and has a perpetual innocent expression. It would be difficult to remain indifferent to her warm, velvety voice. Her eyes are almond-shaped, misty, tender, languid, and unfathomable. And her smile, underlined by gracefully arched lips, would have the power to melt the most hardened souls.

  • This woman is incredibly particular and fussy about her attire. Unlike her male counterpart, who is not afraid of foppery, she quite generally dresses up with good taste, but with a distinct proclivity to expensive clothes. She has a pronounced weakness for furs, jewels, perfumes - in short, for everything that may contribute to enhancing her already formidable charm and beauty.

  • Nobody can have everything, and the Snake woman is no exception to this rule. While her physical appearance is wonderfully seductive, she does not enjoy a very robust constitution. Her organism is rather fragile and tends to react adversely to a wide variety of stimuli.

  • Although somewhat more endurant than the male half of the sign, she has to be perfectly conscious of her safety level - her recuperative powers are mediocre - for once she has sunk below it, it would be extremely difficult for her to be afloat again, In general, she needs a lot of rest and sleep without, however, indulging in laziness or escapism.

  • As a rule she suffers from some form of dysfunction of her kidneys, a faulty elimination being the most frequent case. She must drink every one or two hours during the day, and the total amount of absorbed liquid must not be less than two quarts. It is in her interest to drink mineral water, filtered water, or fruit juices, at the exclusion of white and gray wines and champagne, which she is very fond of but are decidedly detrimental to her kidneys and bladder. She must also avoid spinach, asparagus, sorrel, vinegar, unripe fruits, spices, alcohol, and tobacco.

  • Her ovaries are likely to be a source of trouble and must be an object of close medical surveillance.

  • Like her astrological brother, she is a highly allergic person. Her reactions to allergens generally show themselves at the level of her mucous membranes and skin, mostly in the form of nasal disorders and dermatoses. Painful muscular contractions, particularly in the lumbar region, are too frequent to go unnoticed and untreated.

  • Naturally lazy and indolent, she loves sunbathing in a lying, motionless position. But nothing could be more prejudicial to her than this practice since the danger of sunstrokes is real enough in her case and she can become liable to varices due to her less than satisfactory circulation.

  • Always anxious about her appearance, the Snake woman would rarely let herself go to food excesses. On the contrary, she tends to impose herself draconian diets which may cause her more harm than good. Common sense and moderation are needed here to strike a good balance; but this is easier said than done because the native, whose will is rather weak, would find it hard to adhere strictly to a reasonable discipline.

  • She needs daily physical exercise. While violent sports must be banned, she can practice the milder ones. Gymnastics and dancing can be enough to keep her fit. Massages may reveal themselves beneficial as well.

  • Because of her hypersensitiveness, she must above all be careful about her affective life by protecting it from major shocks. Her health is closely dependent on her emotional state of the moment, with her physical miseries being often a literal translation of her internal conflicts. It is not a mere coincidence if her worst health crises, such as colibacillosis, always occur while she is a prey to stresses and tensions.


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