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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

The twelve Animal Signs for Women

The twelve Animal Signs

for Women

Ox (Buffalo) woman

Her productive capacities

  • Hardy, conscientious, dependable, discreet and perfectionist, the Buffalo woman is invaluable in work. Those who hire her will never have to regret it. She has a better sense of realism than her male counterpart and is on the other hand more conscious of the limits of her forces than he is. But like him, she prefers working in all freedom and independence; surveillance under one form or another could have the effect of preventing her from taking initiative and rendering her clumsy, inefficient.

  • The jobs she does with the most enthusiasm are naturally those more or less directly related to the soil. Her attitude toward it is very particular and almost sentimental. Tilling, sowing, planting, fertilizing, cultivating, harvesting, raising cattle and other such activities give her unlimited joy as if they allowed her to rediscover her deepest roots. Even though she may have to earn her living by working in an office or factory, her instinct for things of the earth never wither away, and she will always long for the countryside as much as an exile does for his home.

  • Any kind of work that requires patience and endeavor suits her well. Routine does not repel her in the least. Entrust her with a most thankless task, and she will mobilize all her energies to carry it out exactly as you would have expected her to do. She has a gift for doing long and exacting jobs, and few can equal her in this field.

  • Her penchant for devotion opens her a wide range of possibilities in the work domain. She can do well in all professions where one treats or looks after - as a physician, surgeon, gynecologist, psychologist, psychiatrist or nurse. Loving children, she is recognized as a marvelous kindergarten, teacher or pediatrician; sometimes she becomes a much sought-for "grandmother for hire" when she passes middle age, as happens in Italy and other countries. It is not rare she works as a renowned cook, partly out of her love of food, partly because she sees in her occupation an occasion to be of good service to others.

  • However great her good will and motivation, this subject can never be a good civil servant. She is too independent-minded to submit herself easily to an impersonal and often absurd discipline. She should not either try her hand at the arts since she is not in the slightest gifted for them, unlike the male Buffalo who can be an accomplished artist.

  • As already pointed out, the Buffalo woman values domestic jobs more than any career to be practiced outside the walls of her house. Destined principally to be a homebody, she is like a fish in water when she can devote herself entirely to household chores and the care of her loved ones - on condition, of course, that she get her way without the slightest interference from anyone. Running the home like a well-oiled machine, she spares no efforts to make life comfortable to the large circle of her family. One can sometimes see the native, well on in years, go out of her way on a full-time basis for her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren without demanding anything in return. The sweeping wave of the feminist movement throughout the world does not seem to affect her attachment and devotion in this direction.


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