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The twelve Animal Signs for Women

The twelve Animal Signs

for Women

Rat woman

Her productive capacities

  • Attention must first be drawn to Rat women's literary talent. One only has to mention a number of Rat woman writers and poets offhandedly to convince oneself of the fact - George Sand, Katherine Mansfield, Charlotte Brontë, Marguerite de Navarre, Anna Seghers, Elizabeth Goudge, Emilia Pardo Bazán, and many others. Some natives, like Lucrezia Borgia, while not making use of pens themselves, do sympathize with and generously help those who write.

  • The advice given to the male Rat on this store is equally valid for the female half of the sign. She has every chance of becoming a good, perhaps famous, writer if she is willing to buckle down to the task of writing. Endowed with passion and sensitivity, she can do well in any literary discipline. Fiction and poetry, however, are the most promising fields for her. Generally well inspired, she does not have to look laboriously for words to express her ideas and sentiments. What she puts on paper always seems natural, vivid and touching. Many Rat women happily specialize in writing charming fairy tales, having themselves a childlike soul and a propensity for dream and the supernatural.

  • Since the native sincerely loves children and instinctively knows how to establish marvelous contacts with them, it is only natural to see her choose her career as a pediatrician, pediatric nurse, pedodontist or kindergarten teacher. Sometimes the children in her care are better attached to her than to their own parents.

  • Her charming personality enables her to become a highly successful saleswoman, public relations officer or publicity agent. Like her brother, she is gifted for making contacts and convincing people with arguments which may however have little relation to logic. This is a businesswoman capable of struggling on equal terms against the ablest male competitors. Journalism, literary agency and show business are the fields of activity in which she moves with much ease. She also makes a good professor, witty television or radio announcer, investigator, press attaché, interpreter or script girl. As she likes to do well any job she has to do and detests slovenliness, there can be no more meticulous and methodical secretaries, accountants, librarians, researchers, laboratory assistants or factory workers than this subject.

  • Wherever she works, her competence and resourcefulness are well recognized. However, as she often lacks self-confidence or is bothered by emotional problems, she can realize her full potentialities only when she does a teamwork or receives strong moral support from someone whom she trusts and admires unconditionally. Disappointments on the love or friendship front are certain to have nefarious effects on her work capacities.

  • Despite her ability to prove a most efficient career woman, the Rat woman, paradoxically, prefers to stay home, shielded from the outside bustle and contenting herself with household chores. It is here that she may commit a fatal mistake: her vital interest is to pursue an interesting, if not exacting, profession as an antidote to sorrow, for her emotional life will never be quite immune to convulsions, and she will never be strong enough to cope with them frontally.


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