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The twelve Animal Signs for Men

The twelve Animal Signs

for Men

Snake man

His productive capacities

  • The Snake male is at least as much gifted on the productive plane as the natives of any other astrological sign. But one thing must be made clear: He is, not in the least made to do manual jobs; if by force of circumstances he has to work with his hands, failure or an accident is almost guaranteed, even though he may consciously wants to succeed.

  • An accomplished aesthete graced with a profound sense of harmony, proportion, line, and color, this subject is naturally destined to do well in all such careers as painting, decoration, designing, hairdressing, haute couture, tapestry-making, glassworking, and arts and crafts in general. Loving beautiful objects and able to appreciate artistic creations, he can fruitfully exploit his sure instinct as an antique dealer.

  • Dancing is certainly a domain in which he is unbeatable as he has rhythm and equilibrium in his veins and is narcissistic enough to love appearing before a public.

  • If he is lucky enough to give free rein to his intuition and perspicaciousness, nothing will prevent him from distinguishing himself as a psychologist, psychiatrist, detective, researcher, banker, administrator, scholar, or scientist as was the case with the Snakes Copernic and Darwin.

  • Prospective employers would be well inspired to secure the services of this man as a press attaché, diplomat, impresario, or travel agent, for he is sociable, affable, and knows how to establish friendly relations.

  • If he ever decides to go into business, he had better not be on his own, but lean on an able and trusted associate, preferably a Rat. While he can be great as an advisor, he must stay away from a decision-making position, for if he may often have fantastic ideas, his frequent loss of touch with reality and the practical side of life renders him quite vulnerable. The same is true in politics: It is in his interest to avoid official power and content himself with pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

  • One would not be surprised to see the Snake man move happily in the legal profession if one took his acute sense of equity and philanthropic convictions into consideration. This is a most clever lawyer, capable of swaying the jury and twisting severe judges around his finger by touching their most sensitive, humane chords. This is also a fabulous judge, honest, sympathetic, and endowed with the faculty to perceive reality behind appearances. Idealistic, he sometimes makes a name in working for people's welfare or trying to make this world a better place to live in.

  • But the field of activity in which he can feel completely at home is no doubt the one that requires the exercise of abstract reasoning. Nothing pleases him more than speculating and theorizing. His ideas and visions are always in advance of his time but can prove to have a tremendous impact when one least expects it.

  • Apart from his ivory-tower work, the average Snake male can do his job with perfection only if he is well flanked. Lacking willpower and an adequate capacity for sustained concentration, he needs to participate in a team endeavor or undergo a strict discipline imposed on him from outside. Left to himself, he would not resist the temptation of dispersion and laziness.


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