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The twelve Animal Signs for Men

The twelve Animal Signs

for Men

Dragon man

His psychological makeup

  • I, me, and my are the words the Dragon male utters with gusto every time he opens his mouth to speak. If they recur with such exasperating regularity, it is because this man is obsessively concerned with projecting a glorious image of himself. While not an egoist, he is unmistakably an egotist in every sense of the term.

  • Discretion and self-effacement are by no means a part of the native's personality. On the contrary, self-conceit and self-sufficiency are conspicuously to the fore of his psychological texture. Whatever the circumstances, he always seeks to be where the limelight falls - literally and figuratively - even though this may require unfairness on his part. It is impossible for him to resign himself to taking a backseat or being second to anyone in any field, for he has an excessively high opinion of his own talents. In order to keep his ego afloat on a permanent basis, he does not hesitate to resort to boastfulness, displaying his real exploits as well as imaginary feats with a zealot's conviction. He may become as vindictive, spiteful, and tyrannical as anyone can be when his self-esteem is hurt.

  • This man is frequently blinded by false pride and consequently often shows himself insufferably arrogant. Always inclined to overestimate his own value, he is unable to accept criticism or contradiction. He consciously adopts a dogmatic stance and stubbornly rejects the opinions of those who do not agree with him. It is extremely hard for him to acknowledge his shortcomings and apologize when he is in the wrong. His sense of self-importance and superiority entails his contempt for others which he does not even bother to conceal. When he addresses somebody, it is generally from a dominant position that he does so. With such provocative haughtiness, there is no wonder why he does not find it easy to make or keep friends, and to forestall other people's ill feelings or downright hostility toward him.

  • There exists no limit to this type's narcissism. He does not waste his time on anything short of success or what he believes to be success. He always expects to be acknowledged as the unchallenged leader, even when he perfectly knows he hardly deserves it. Constantly on the lookout for the attention, approval, and admiration of others, he needs a public at all times and never resists his desire to make a spectacle of himself. His tendency to be ridiculously vulnerable to flattery constitutes his nastiest weakness. But for all his professed assurance and show of arrogant bravado, he is in reality awfully self-conscious and shy, for he perpetually fears to make faux pas, fall short of his self-imposed standards, appear under an unfavorable light, or be appreciated below his expectations.

  • Snobbishness is inscribed in big letters on the list of his drawbacks. Easily impressed by wealth, prestige, rank, and splendor, he chooses his friends and associates only among those who enjoy such privileges, disdaining people of modest condition. Marrying up the social ladder is an idea he entertains fondly. With an exaggerated sense for the full comforts of life, he sometimes meets ruin in trying to acquire them.

  • Among the Dragon male's other character traits, mention must be made of his irascible temperament. He can explode with anger at the slightest provocation and when one is least expecting it. His outbursts frequently make him commit violent, though never criminal, acts which he will secretly - not publicly - regret when his steam is off. During his fits of boil he really recalls his symbolic animal - a Dragon belching out long flames. One would be prudent in such moments to avoid him and keep precious or fragile objects out of his reach. But his fury will fade away exactly as it came - rapidly, unexpectedly - without leaving any shade of rancor in its trail.

  • It would be unjust to take this man for a heartless, perverted person, more concerned about his own glory than about anything else. He may benefit indulgence once his motives are well understood. If he lacks modesty to such an obnoxious degree, it is because he naturally believes himself to be superior to everyone else in any context and tries to prove it to himself as well as to the rest of the world. His inborn authority, ascendancy over others, and personal charisma are real enough and naturally get him into a position of command. Although full of himself, he is ready to take the wisdom of elderly people into due consideration. Much of his arrogance, it must be pointed out, stems from his innermost doubt of his abilities - doubt which he is hardly ever conscious of. Finally, his irascibility is probably nothing else than his way to react to anxiety - for all his outward display of confidence and strength, he does feel miserable at heart more often than he is prepared to recognize.

  • In fact, the Dragon male is one of the trickiest characters to size up and analyze. Just like the legendary animal, he is not always what he seems and often proves to be the very antithesis of what his apparent comportment may suggest. He can be one person outwardly and yet quite another person deep down inside - and this without any deceitful intention! If one side of his personality has shown us a Dragon engrossed in his ego, the other side reveals us a completely different type - the one graced with outstanding intellectual and moral qualities.

  • His sharp, vibrant intelligence allows him to apprehend immediately all the different aspects of any given problem and dominate any subject painlessly. Curious about everything, possessed of a remarkable analytic and at the same time synthetic mind, served by a prodigious memory, this man is abreast of all events in all fields and can be relied upon to foresee the future course of the world's affairs or find an adequate solution to most seemingly insoluble dilemmas. But despite his knowledge, which is as vast as it is deep, and his mental keenness, there is not the faintest streak of pedantry in all his manner.

  • Everybody can realize that the typical Dragon has a knack for turning dreams into reality. His power of vision, teamed with his power of will, often works miracles which his opponents are prone to impute to chance. Is it for this reason that Jesus Christ, a Dragon, was a prophet and wonder-performer?

  • But it is his heart, not his mind, that ranks the native of the Dragon among the finest individuals living in this world. He is capable of attaining the loftiest ideals of humanity owing to his tremendous qualities and boundless enthusiasm. It seems as though he were born to become a benefactor of mankind.

  • He is an individual of very high moral standards. His honesty and faithfulness are beyond any possible kind of reproach. Having an uncompromising concern for his honor and his reputation of integrity, he can be trusted never to behave in a hypocritical or disloyal way. He would do anything, even at the risk of his life, to live up to the confidence others have placed in him.

  • Noble, magnanimous, aboveboard, he would not stoop to doing anything mean or shady. Both his strategy and tactics are never base or underhanded. It is why small-minded or sly people immensely annoy him.

  • He has much natural sympathy and warm-heartedness. His power of forgiveness equals his benevolence and chivalry. It is practically impossible for him to believe ill of other people and, even though he might be a victim of their bad faith, would refuse to hold a grudge against them.

  • The man of the Dragon sign has a profound love of justice and equity. He also has the courage of his convictions. If necessary, he would sacrifice himself for what he believes to be right and worthwhile.

  • Overall, he is moved by great and genuinely humane sentiments that are the hallmark of an individual with a tender and big heart.


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