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The twelve Animal Signs for Men

The twelve Animal Signs

for Men

Dog man

His productive capacities

  • The Dog male is the right person for all long-term undertakings. It would not be an exaggeration to say that time is on his side, for he has the ability to take his time. His patience also disposes him to do difficult and exacting jobs which would discourage those with a shorter attention span. Consequently, he can achieve good success in scientific work, philosophical speculations, and researches of every description. Since there exists an intimate, almost mystical link between him and the past, he is quite able to distinguish himself in such disciplines as history, archeology, geology, and anthropology.

  • Only when he works by himself can this man show all his worth. An essentially solitary soul, he abhors team work as it prevents him from assuming his responsibilities in their entirety; he also hates impersonal, unresponsible jobs of all kinds. Moreover, he only trusts himself and finds it hard to delegate his powers.

  • His intelligence is much more analytic than synthetic, which inclines him towards the search for the ultimate cause of mechanisms and phenomena, towards the quest for quintessence.

  • It would be surprising to see him earn his reputation as an inventor or visionary, for natives of this sign are in general conspicuously deficient in imagination and intuition. On the contrary, the average Dog man has a taste for concrete things and can therefore do well in such professions as architecture, agriculture, volcanology, or speleology.

  • In any case this male is enthusiastic about a job only insofar as it enables him to be useful to society at large or to promote his moral ideals. He does not care much about material gains and has so little personal ambition - success would leave him rather indifferent if it only benefited him.

  • In view of his humanitarianism, there is every likelihood that the Dog man wants to make his career in charitable or social work. As a rule, any profession that affords him an opportunity to be of good service to others or to cure the world's physical as well as moral ills may appeal to him; and so we can find him as a doctor, psychiatrist, educator, priest, pastor, or missionary. His motivation and dedication in such fields of activity are incomparable, and his efficiency unparalleled.

  • As he always wants to improve society in every respect and defend the defenseless, it would be only natural for him to be active in politics, trades unions, and every conceivable protest or reform struggle. But for reasons already invoked, the Dog male harbors serious misgivings about, if not downright hostility against, the sexual revolution and the feminist movement. It is here that he is not quite true to himself.

  • Brilliant professional success usually comes to the native only from his middle years onward as his intellectual potential takes a very long time to mature. If he is born "old," he becomes younger and younger physically as well as mentally with the passing of time. Paradoxically enough, the evening of his existence is the sole period that can see all his capacities in full bloom.


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