Weekly Horoscope
for Cats
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One might wonder if astrology is able to deal with animals as it does humans. And some people might esteem that a horoscope for animals must be something quite futile.
And yet, at a closer examination, one should admit that animals are sensitive beings just like us humans and that like us they undergo the same astral influences! On the other hand, one should not either forget that mankind is of animal origin!
This horoscope is based on the name of your Cat. It's likely to help you to understand your four-legged companion better, to take care of him better, and also to love him better.
The words "he", "him", "himself", and "his" used here apply to your cat whether it's a male or female cat.
Warning: Our program may sometimes happen to show the same text for two different pet's names. This is no surprise at all for in this case the two names belong to the same pilot name. The situation is the same as in astrology: two persons belonging to the same astral sign are assumed to have the same set of character traits.
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