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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Chinese Love Horoscope  2024



First trimester
The stars will greatly favor your love life. Therefore, you'll be very much involved in the affairs of your heart. Your professional activities will run the risk of being relegated to the background, especially during the first two months, a period when you'll experience the greatest sentimental joys. All this can do no harm so long as you can preserve a certain equilibrium between the different sectors of your life. You'll aspire to total harmony in your relationships with your mate. But this is an objective toward which you can direct your efforts, not the one to be reached absolutely. Be wise enough to recognize what is inaccessible and to do only what can be done.

Second trimester
You'll be subject to hesitations. You'll be torn between the desire to preserve the status quo and the need to change things in the sentimental field. Some of you, for fear of possible problems, will wonder if they had not better contain their outbursts and refuse to live a great passion. Other natives of this sign will seriously consider having a new baby.

Third trimester
Your life as a couple will come to the fore of your preoccupations. The ball will rather be in your mate's court; but as he (she) has esteem and admiration for you, things will be settled graciously. Couples married a long time ago will reinforce their mutual trust. If you're still free, you'll refuse to deny yourself the pleasures of a new love affair.

Fourth trimester
If you're living as a couple, your relationships with your mate will not be the most peaceful ones. There may even be a severe hitch by the middle of this period. Beware, don't choose to close your eyes and pretend that everything is well. Be courageous enough to remove the cancer, to discuss frankly but calmly what goes wrong and what opposes you to your mate. And you'll realize that the most thorny problems are often only the results of long-lasting misunderstandings. If you're single, you'll look too much forward to playing with hearts. Beware, don't try to make jealous the person you're loving - you'll certainly not win at that game and will perhaps lose. Be yourself, and do not spend more money for love than you can afford to.


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