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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Chinese Love Horoscope  2024


The OX (Buffalo)

First trimester
With the complicity of some stars, your life as a couple will be on the whole harmonious. However, try to be solicitous towards your mate - a gentle word, a small mark of consideration can work wonders. On the contrary, a little neglect can provoke useless dissension. Think of developing your social life which will allow you to have a sufficiently detached view of your conjugal life, to nurture more refined relationships with the beloved one as well as constructive intuitions. If you're still a lonely heart, you'll seriously consider during these months to legalize your sentimental relationships and to settle down "like everybody."

Second trimester
Profit well by this auspicious period to live your love which will be without storms or clouds. Build for yourself a nest which will be sheltered from prying eyes and in which you'll exchanges tender kisses. If you can't afford to go to a tropical island in order to fully profit by those marvelous days, you can nevertheless enjoy love in whatever other place. What's important is to go unheeded.

Third trimester
Decidedly, that stars always want to favor you. During this period you'll experience refined love which you have been constantly dreaming of. Single natives will meet an intelligent mate or an exceptional person. Both sides will discover a common sentimental affinity as well as common political, philosophical, religious, or social aspirations. The most creative of natives will draw their main source of inspiration from love. They'll also share musical or literary tastes. But in spite of this beautiful general canvas, some problems of common life will prove inevitable. They will occur mostly because of the different views on the use of common money or on the priority to be given to the career of one or the other love partner. However, all this will probably entail no serious consequences, and the end of the period will bring about a very noticeable improvement of your relationships.

Fourth trimester
You'll most probably note a slight decline of your sexual capacities during this period. Beware that the adverse influxes of some stars will be responsible for this phenomenon which, fortunately, will only be transitory. Don't be over-anxious, then. You can remedy the situation by various means, for instance by trying to eroticize yourself through imagination or fantasies. As for single natives, love affairs will be what they will want them to be, for instance to consolidate an existing relation which will prove a matter of equilibrium for them. Consequently, there'll be weddings in the offing! Here is a good bit of advice for those who abhor conjugal life: Put your love life in due order, don't continue making a mess of it.


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