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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Chinese Love Horoscope  2023



First trimester
By the beginning of this new year you can certainly rely on luck in your sentimental undertakings. Do not hesitate to declare your love for the person of your dreams: you'll effortlessly find the necessary words and gestures to convince and even to subjugate him (her). A marriage proposal would be accepted immediately; therefore you must refrain from making it if you really don't intend to get a rope round your neck so soon. Foreigners may play an important role in your love life this time and in a very beneficial way. With this being said, you're generally faithful in your love relationships, you look for stability in your sentiments. But you often dream of an exceptional creature, and this greatly reduces your field of research. Try to be less particular in order to give yourself a larger maneuver field and therefore more chance.

Second trimester
A new phase of your life will probably take place these days for you'll become more restrained than usual in your emotional reactions. You know that most of the sentimental problems you have had to cope with until now have been caused by your unreasonable comportment. It's true the heart has its reasons, but you must try to tame it instead of letting it drag you to your doom. The second month of this period may bring about a great confusion between love and money. The blending of these two ingredients will make all the more indigestible a soup that you'll have to break into your piggy bank to buy yourself your next vacation! So be more thoughtful.

Third trimester
Single natives will not have to worry. If their love life may lack some spice, they will find in it necessary tranquility as a compensation. Marriage can be envisaged with every chance of success. Some natives will have to snuff their ill-placed sentiments and get rid of certain ties, even though this may entail a financial loss among other things. They will afterwards feel ready to give their love life new and more enchanting prospects.

Fourth trimester
If you're living as a couple, beware of the very conflictual sentimental atmosphere. The first month of this period may be particularly worked up and stormy, marked with disputes, jealousy crises, and mad physical adventures. There will be brutal modifications of your relationships with your mate. Do not act imprudently in order not to jeopardize the good relationships which you really want to preserve. Fortunately, the astral climate will change as early as the second month of the period. You will not be in want of kisses. Your beloved one might give all the affection which you always dream of. If you're in search of a sister soul, it's in an utterly fortuitous manner or in an unexpected place that you'll meet it. Now you're well forewarned! Be ready to seize the opportunity; everything can happen within a few minutes.


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