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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Chinese Love Horoscope  2024



First trimester
If your heart is still free, be ready to go to paradise. You'll succeed in knocking down the defenses of the person of your intentions. You'll live a great romantic love. In short, you'll have the marvelous impression that your amorous dreams have finally come true. If you live as a couple, the unexpected will replace monotony. You'll have very stimulating relationships with your mate. Of course, the evenings will sometimes be heated, but neither you nor your mate will think of complaining about it, for at least there'll be animation in your common life, something that has been lacking since a long time.

Second trimester
The astral climate of this period as a whole will guarantee the sincerity of your sentimental life and the depth of your emotions. Some of you might probably have suffered recently from loneliness or misunderstandings. But this time everything will be unjammed suddenly - you'll experience true and solid love. If you're already engaged in a stable relation, harmony with your mate will grow stronger spectacularly. And if you're still a lonely heart you'll in all likelihood make an unexpected but decisive encounter which will transform your life for your greatest happiness.

Third trimester
If you're married, you'll be on the same wavelength with your mate these days. Accomplice, amorous, you'll live divine and unforgettable moments. But this should not be a reason for making inconsiderate expenses for "when poverty knocks at the door, love escapes through the window" (German proverb). If you're single, you may get trapped by dint of flirting from one person to another. And even though you resist or try to cling to your dear freedom, you'll undeniably fall in love and will only think secretly of getting a ring put on your finger as rapidly as possible!

Fourth trimester
During this period you'll be less reticent, more demonstrative, heartier, and more demanding sensually than usual. It will be in your mate's interest to satisfy your needs. And, if you're still unattached, you'll feel very free, a situation which will favor encounters or love affairs. Therefore you'll have no reason to complain.


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