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Chinese Love Horoscope  2021



First trimester
The sector of your birth chart related to love harbors no star presently, and this promises you a tranquil sentimental life. Only the star Truc Phu can prompt some of you a rather childish behavior. He can indeed incite you to indulge in all your whims without taking the sensitiveness of others into account. Beware not to hurt your spouse or mate, for instance by showing yourself inconstant or unfaithful in the name of your precious personal freedom.

Second trimester
Nothing is more exciting and desperately sublime than impossible love. That's what you're probably going to discover these days. With the presence of the star Thai Tue in House XI, you may fall in love with a person who is not free but whose charm seems irresistible to you. If you're clever enough, you'll have good chances to share with him (her) moments of ecstasy that will prove as unforgettable as ephemeral. But wouldn't you better say goodbye to this affair and embark on another that's perfectly within your reach?

Third trimester
For many of you, this period will be that of ruptures of betrothals or of liaison, often because of your fault since under the action of the star Huu Bat you'll be much too intolerant. Fortunately, the second month of the period will be one of reconciliations thanks to the favorable lunar climate. Single natives of Wood years will encounter some difficulties preserving good understanding with their love mates. Marriage can be considered, but be careful before making an irrevocable decision on such serious an issue. Moreover, don't involve your family with all your love affairs so as not to create useless complications.

Fourth trimester
To have the right to the presence of the planet Dao Hoa, the goddess of love, in the love sector is evidently a promise of happiness for couples and nice encounters for single people. You'll only have to rejoice, whatever your love situation of the moment may be. However, beware of Kinh Duong! For singles, this planet won't really be negative; but for those couples who are going awry, his impact could provoke violent disputes.


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