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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Chinese Love Horoscope  2017


The OX (Buffalo)

First trimester
You'll very spontaneously think about what you actually desire in love, which will certainly induce you to make important choices. Most of you will prioritize commitment and faithfulness; but some natives may decide to give themselves a phase of amorous freedom which could entail complications. Lastly, if you're a heart to be taken, the star Hoa Quyen can offer you a present under the form of a first-rate encounter.

Second trimester
Under the impulse of the planet Vu Khuc, you'll be well decided to enjoy yourself to the utmost, and nothing and nobody can prevent you from doing so. To put it short, it will be in your mate's interest to be more understanding and indulgent than ever and to close his (her) eyes on your indiscretions. However, if you make an effort at being in the place of the one who shares your life and at taking his (her) desires into account, you won't have to regret it! If you're single, a renewed passion might very well take place these days and turn your life upside down. Should such an event take place, you'll feel all upset and all queer - and yet you've the habit of falling in love with the first person you meet!

Third trimester
If you live as a couple, you'll establish good complicity with your mate with whom you'll form a solid team. If your heart is free, love will be at the center of your concerns. Depending on your temperament and the hazard of encounters, the planet Dao Hoa can induce you to embark seriously on a new relation, or on the contrary to accumulate adventures that'll prove quite agreeable in spite of all.

Fourth trimester
Serious problems with your mate will compel you to reconsider your sentimental future. Don't panic! If you avoid carefully to take any decision under the spell of anger, the situation should improve progressively. All the more so as, by the end of this period, you can count on the support of the star Huu Bat who'll incite you to look at life under a more optimistic and positive angle. As for lonely souls, the relationships created these days will have every chance to last and prosper.


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